REal Analysis. Real Investments. Real GROWTH.
Discovering new and upcoming startups.
Sourcing involves reaching out directly to founders and student founders, as well as helping build a network within the startup and venture capital space. You will get experience talking to founders and experts within the VC world, as well as exposure to startups.
Investigating different aspects of startups to make informed investments.
During the analysis process we break down a startup, working with a founder to understand every aspect including the financials, industry, founder-product fit, go to market plan, competitors, and much more. You will gain insight into how startups and businesses in general function, and what makes up a good company.
Working with startups to accelerate growth.
Services involve partnering with startups to meet the growth and structural goals of the founder. Partnerships usually entail teams at Strato VC working on projects, analyzing the startup, and implementing practices to increase the growth and longevity of the company.